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A Free Guide to Launch (or Migrate) Your Community in 7 Weeks

It's finally here! Shared the whole farm in this 10-page roadmap and detailed checklist to launch your new community. This process was made with paid communities in mind, especially those looking to build in an all-in-one platform like Circle, Heartbeat, or Disco.

Access the free download and workshop when you fill out the form and join the email list below! And when you're ready to build your community alongside others, join the community below!

The Launch Guide you just downloaded is a fabulous resource to guide your process to launch your community. But we aren't talking about just putting together an email series, here, we're talking about launching an entire new offer for your business. Something you want to do right the first time.

In my community, you'll get the support, tools, and camraderie you need to do just that.

When you join, we kick off with a 7-week experience designed to help you build (re-build) the foundation of a purposeful (read: you like running it!) and profitable (read: it pays you!) community-powered business.

Doors are open now! You'll see when the next cohort kicks off when you click the button below, but join early to take advantage of bonus content!

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