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Introducing: Dear Bri, an advice column for community strategy, fiascos, and drama!

Welcome to Dear Bri, an advice column for community strategy, fiascos, and drama. On this podcast, I collect anonymous letters from real-life community creators and bring on an expert from the community space to help you feel a little less alone and a lot less crazy.

  • Should I build my community on Slack?

  • Is membership the way to go?

  • How do I create a test?

  • I feel so bitter and burnt, how do I recover?

  • My community is out of control, what do I do?

  • How do I build for acquisition?

  • If I build it, will they come?

These are just a few of the questions we’re answering on season one of Dear Bri.

Episodes drop on Tuesdays, hit the follow/subscribe button so you never miss out on the community gossip!


Bri Leever

Bri got her start building a community and growing it to a multi-million dollar revenue stream for a social enterprise in Portland, OR. Now, she supports folks used to running their business on content, coaching, and consulting to create their community offer. She's a Community Strategist by day and a Campervan host by night on the Big Island of Hawaii and you'll usually find her on, in, or under the water.

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Your community could be next!

Submit an anonymous letter about your community conundrum, fiasco, drama, or other dilemma here.

And before you go…

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That helps the podcast more than you know and I deeply appreciate it. 🙏

*Dear Bri is produced by Ideablossoms.

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